AUD Model United Nations 2024 Rules of Procedure

The following are the rules of procedure for AUDMUN 2023 which will be followed in all committees unless specified by the committee chairs.


Name of Motion When It’s Used What Happens Extra Note(s)
Motion to set the agenda “Motion to set the agenda to …” Used in the very beginning of the debate. It sets the debate to a certain topic to be discussed. 1 delegate from each side would state points for and against each topic. Voting will then take place and it will pass/fail accordingly. Requires a simple majority to pass this motion.
Motion to set the speaker’s list “Motion to set the speakers list to [insert topic] to [insert time] seconds/minutes”” After the agenda has been set, it helps start the debate formally. The motion is made, and a time for each speaker is set and adhered to, until another motion is made. Requires a simple majority in order to pass this motion.
Motion to move to a moderated caucus“Motion to move to moderated caucus of … minutes of .... speaker time to discuss ... When delegates wish to change the form of the debate to a moderated caucus (see meaning below) about a certain topic for a certain time. The overall time for the debate is set and voted upon about a certain topic Requires a simple majority. Time can be extended by follow-up motions or by the chair if s/he sees the topic relevant or interesting.
Motion to move to unmoderated caucus “Motion to move to unmoderated caucus about … for … minutes” Used when delegates wish to change the debate to unmoderated caucus (see meaning below) The overall time and topic is set. Usually, delegates will use this time to write up resolutions, clauses, etc. Requires a simple majority to pass and time can be extended.
Motion to adjourn the meeting “Motion to adjourn/recess the meeting for the purpose of …” Used when the delegates wish to end the debating session. Usually used at the end of the day. The reason for adjourning of the meeting is stated and voted upon. Requires a simple majority to pass.
Motion to recess the meeting “Motion to recess the meeting for …” Used when the delegates wish to have a break from the debate, usually for lunch break. The reason to recess and the amount of time is set and it is voted upon. Requires a simple majority to pass, if the chair sees fit.
Motion to move to voting procedure “Motion to move to voting procedure on [resolution/amendment]” When delegates wish to move on from the debate and vote on the resolution/amendment that is being discussed. The committee moves to voting procedures and pass/fail the resolution, if the chair sees fit. To pass, the chair sees if there are anyone who seconds and anyone who opposes the motion, and moves accordingly. If there are several opposing votes, the motion does not pass. No one is allowed to leave or enter the room when voting is taking place.


Name of Point When It’s Used What Happens Extra Note(s)
Point of Order Whenever the delegate believes that there was an error in the formal procedure. The delegate rises and addresses the committee and talks about the error. The delegate is not allowed to talk about the topic as a whole, only the error that was made.
Right of reply written motion Requested if any delegate feels he/she has been personally subjected to a derogatory comment/insult. If granted by the chair, the delegate is given a certain amount of time to address the committee. This is a written reply sent to the chair. It is at the chair’s discretion whether it passes or not. There is no right of reply to a right of reply.
Point of Personal Privilege When the delegate has a personal issue that needs to be addressed. The delegate either sends a note to the chair or rises and states his/her point. An example of this is when a delegate cannot hear the other delegate clearly. This is the only point that can interrupt a speaker.
Point of Information When the delegate doesn’t understand or needs clarification about a certain point brought up by another delegate. The delegate rises, asks the question that they have and gets the answer from the delegate speaking. The delegate that asks the question can request a follow up question, if allowed by the chair.
Point of Parliamentary Procedure/Point of Inquiry When the delegate has a question about the rules of procedure, flow of debate, etc. The chair will clarify the point asked and make sure the delegate understands. This motion is made only when the floor is open.



 When a delegate is speaking, s/he can yield the remaining time to three options:

  • To the chair: The chair will automatically absorb the remaining time and the debate will continue accordingly
  • To questions: The delegate can open him/herself to a certain number of questions or to all questions from the other delegates
  • To another delegate: The delegate can give the remaining time to another delegate to help prove/support their point. Once time is yielded to one delegate, it cannot be yielded again.


Important Terms to remember

  • Caucus: The time delegates have to speak and make decisions concerning the possible solutions for their topics. There are two kinds of caucuses, moderated and unmoderated.
  • Moderated Caucus: When delegates speak about their topics in a formal debate setting, with a set time for each speaker.
  • Unmoderated Caucus: When delegates can move freely around the room, if necessary, to discuss with other delegates about the topics at hand. Delegates should aim to come up with a resolution in order to be handed in to the chairs.
  • Speakers List: The order of speakers who will speak after setting the agenda.
  • Setting the Agenda: Deciding which topic shall be spoken about in the committee. This is usually the first thing that the committee does after the first session begins.
  • Simple Majority: When more than half of the committee votes for or against a motion, resolution, or any other voting procedure
  • Resolution: The document that delegates should aim to produce by the end of the conference, which refers to the topic being discussed and provides relative solutions to its issues.
  • Amendment: Submitted to the Chairs when delegates wish to change something within the resolution, which includes adding and removing clauses, changing wording, etc.
  • Yield: Giving the speaker’s remaining time to certain parties such as the Chair or another speaker, or to questions.